Coral Essentials Dipping & Pest Solutions

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Key Features

Both products are perfect for the avid fragger and coral collector. Whether introducing new corals to your system or treating freshly cut frags for disinfecting.

Dipping requirements:

REEF KI3 Dipping Solution - Dilute by using 2 ml in each 1L of salt water.

FW DIP Dipping Solution - Dilute 1ml of Coral Power FW Dip per 1 litre of saltwater from your system. Place the new corals so they are fully submerged in the solution for a period of 30sec - 1 minute. Shake the coral vigorously in the solution using a twisting motion to remove the flatworm from the coral structure. Then rinse in saltwater in a separate container before returning to your tank.  Repeat the process in 7 days if required to break the breeding cycle.

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Care Instructions

Always read the label carefully and never expose your corals to more than 2ml per 100L of aquarium water in an established tank.

Always treat new or infected corals in a separate quarantine tank.

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1 Bottle Additive

Over 100,000 happy aquariums

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Convenience Of One Bottle

Using a single bottle simplifies the dosing process. Consistency ensures that the tank receives a uniform dosage of essential elements. Simplicity in maintenance, managing one bottle simplifies the overall maintenance of the tank. It's easier to keep track of inventory, expiration dates, and reorder when necessary.

Coral Power FW Dip

Coral Essentials Coral Power FW Dip is a very effective product for removing flatworms from SPS Coral. It is a blend of Tea Tree oil and isopropyl alcohol that we have found is extremely effective in removing flatworms off all coral types, especially SPS. Also fantastic for dipping newly purchased corals before introducing them to your main display. NOT TO BE USED ON MONTIPORA SPECIES 

Coral Power Reef KI3

Coral Power Reef KI3 is a concentrated blend of Potassium Iodide and Iodine (0.5%) for marine aquariums. It is essential for the healthy growth of both soft and hard coral and is also fantastic in effectively disinfecting freshly cut corals after fragging (cutting).


Coral essentials how to dose
